
09 October 2011

Of squashes and time...

Since graduating I feel that I have begun to explore my life in depth. No longer are my days and nights filled with homework, lectures, rehearsals and studying. I feel that I am able to actually use my time for simple life things that aren't consuming me or making me feel that I have too much routine. That is a word I am starting to hope I never have too much of.. Routine! What I hope for myself is to not become boring and ordinary. Does life really become like this? I hope not! I want to be free and enjoy doing new things while enjoying things I have always done too. There has to be balance. I finally feel like I have time for some of my loves. Actual time to delve into them and broaden them in so many ways. 

I love to cook. Perhaps I should have gone to cooking school and become a chef. Right now I am so happy spending the entire day in the kitchen slicing, stirring, baking, and of course seeing the beautiful results. Taste is always good too, but call me crazy I just like to make it! I feel that since I have come back from Europe and am finished with school that I have become more in tune with ingredients and foods that I have come to love and never had much before (or never). I have become what I like to call a foodie but I consider this to be a very good thing. Think of all the smiles that come from people tasting it. Right now my obsession is with squashes. Acorn, butternut, spaghetti, pumpkin, and a whole mess of others that I am looking into making things from. I am loving this! This week has also been the creation of pickled peppers as well as dried. I feel like I truly am a renaissance woman and would very happily love to have a garden, some herbs, and a sweet country house. But I do like my coast houses too. Maybe one of each if I'm good? :)

I also am happy to have the time to start writing again. It has been too long since I have been able to focus on my fiction and nonfiction. I like to devote all my time to it rather than dabbling here and there with it, which is why I think I have been out of it for so long--too much going on in the way of ed-u-ca-tion. However, this degree is something I am very proud to have and also a great help in making my writing better than before. I am very much hoping that my time in Poland this coming year will be the start of more writing. I feel like a children's book. What say you? 
Goodnight my dears.

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