
17 September 2012

And then there were 3

Sometimes I have to will time to go faster. Other times it slips away from me. Yet, anyway you look at it, time cannot be hurried or slowed. It is simply set as it is supposed to be--in God's own pace.

This summer seemed to take ages to go by, and then when it finally did it seemed like it almost went by too fast. It was an eventful summer, a busy one, and at times a stressful one. All the same, it was perhaps one of the most memorable ones, and when I look back at all that I did it all looks quite colourful and impressive.

I did after all....
Get engaged (in Poland)... then married (in Cyprus)
Took a month off in the States to get my UK visa and visit family
Got my visa!
Packed up a suitcase of things to give to D
Flew back to Poland for a trip to Orawa and the surrounding mountain area
Traveled to the UK to visit my husband and his family for two weeks
Received my engagement ring
Took a trip to Derby to find a flat with D (Found one--hello Amber House)
Went to the Denby Factory (I think I may have been drooling..)
Picked out our dishes (Also Denby! Yay!)
Came back to Poland just in time for the kids to start school and thus continue my au pair duties.
Now we're in mid September and, consequently, I roughly have three months to go until I get to officially move to the UK! When I think about all that happened it blows my mind. Who ever would have thought this time last year all the things that have happened just in this past summer? Not to mention there are some exciting things coming up between now and then. It give me something to look forward to. Oh and fall is here... bring on the PUMPKIN recipes!

That about cuts the cake eh? Speaking of cake I just made a birthday cake for a special 9 year old--a Lego cake I might add. Only it was cream coloured instead of a more vibrant red or green or blue. Still just as tasty! Pictures to follow, and since I am slightly hopelessly behind on my uploads to Photobucket, a photo recap of Summer 2012 will be coming up in my next post.

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