Where's Charlie.... wait what? |
I love this picture simply because it's a perfect example of some of the strange things I see here in Poland. This Charlie person needs to find Waldo pronto. I thought I would dedicate this post to somewhat strange, comical, and unique things pertaining to Polish culture that I have noticed while being here. And they think 'the American'
(me) is strange--hah! :)
- Shopkeepers usually open around 10am (ish), and one of the first things they do is wash the threshold/sidewalk/windowsills of their shop with a broom and mop. Honestly in America this would never happen. However, I find this somewhat endearing.
- In addition to the first, the Poles also find it necessary to wash their streetsigns as well--complete with a special utility vehicle that is used for such purposes. It looks like a tractor with a giant mop on the front arm.
- The family here finds it strange that I never peel any of the vegetables or fruits, such as apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes. They must peel everything! All I can think of is all the wasted peel, and I am not sure if this is due to me liking the added fiber to my diet, me not minding eating the peel, or all of the above.
- Wearing stockings is a big thing here--if you don't wear them they claim you will get sick.
- Similarly, you must wear house shoes at all times indoors--if you don't you will also get sick from that too.
- When someone gets sick they take a week off... and call the doctor. This goes for a little chest cold.
- Milk used in cereal, hot cocoa, or pudding must be warm--not cold.
- The family doesn't eat the ends of bananas, due to a bacteria that grows there.... I am not sure if this is true.
- A bathing suit for a male consists of a Speedo--I have yet to see swim shorts.
- When paying for something they round up and will often ask you for a specific amount of change to make what they give back to you more 'even'.
- The most popular shoe for a female is some sort of high heel or boot. They dress up more here which is evidence of the Eastern European way of dressing.
- Today I had my first experience of milk... it came in a sealed up bag. Yes. Weird.
- If the power goes out at the house there is a limited amount of appliances that work. This makes me grateful for gas appliances! Here everything is electric... the stove/oven, heating, kettle, and the INTERNET! When you can't even cook on the stove top with a match... it's bread and butter for lunch.
- It's the law in Poland to have your headlights on at all times. This makes it quite fun when driving, because in order to warn other drivers of this mishap, you flash your high beams at them. This may proceed with a wave in acknowledgement.
- Wedding rings here are worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
- The family here has a very wide selection of medicines, vitamins, tablets, pills, and other herbal things. Apparently this is a big thing in Poland.
- Poles consume a lot of meat and are one of the highest consumers of meat in Europe. Bring on the kielbasa, ham, etc.
- Hospitality here is something special to experience. They really take pride in giving the guest a full plate in both food and in being the perfect host. When guests arrive there is usually a wide spread of foods and alcohol of course. Lots of talking.... lots of eating... and this may repeat for several hours. Don't expect them to leave anytime soon.
- Christmas easily lasts until February--in fact it is tradition. Many a carol are sung after New Years, and there are still lots of sweets leftover.
- Chopin is their pride and joy who hailed from Warsaw, the capital of Poland.
How is that for culture!
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