The past few weeks have been an amazing whirlwind--maybe even a hurricane--but that is no excuse for lack of a bit of writing. I feel compelled to ask how are you, maybe that is because I feel like I need some caffeine after a very long day of (always hungry), noisy, and upset kids. My life is certainly a play put on by a master dramatist. Seems fitting doesn't it? Anyway, how
are you?
Where to begin? My last post seems like it was ages ago rather than a week. Time is flying by so quickly it's unreal. Here we are already in the second week of April--where did the first four months go? Since my last post we have eaten all the sourdough bread. It was a big hit, especially the loaf I baked in the crock pot in the oven. From now on I will use a big heavy pot like that for bread baking--it turned out perfect! I would have saved you some, sorry. I was please that the loaf impressed the auntie and 'Babcia' Zosia (Grandmother in Polish). They really loved the bread and told me 'I would have no problem keeping a house of my own'. Baking bread or cooking in general is considered a very big positive in being able to keep a household--thus the emphasis. It made me proud. This week I made a huge loaf of garlic bread--I wish I had taken a picture because the loaf was seriously so big and took up most of a cookie sheet. I used about 7 cloves of garlic too--so the kids loved it with their spaghetti.

April also brought us Easter, the day in celebration of Christ's ultimate sacrifice to die for all his children and his being raised from the dead--our Miracle. I was excited to experience Easter here in Poland, namely in seeing what is different or the same.
The family attended alot of mass during Easter week, and Babcia Zosia and auntie came to spend part of the week here. They are sisters. I find it endearing to be with them because they don't speak English and I don't speak fluent Polish to speak with them. There is alot of smiling, laughing, and hand gestures. But I like how well I get along with them, especially auntie. I think it's our common love of cooking. Even if communicating is difficult we still find ways to make each other smile. On the weekend I was helping Aga prepare some of the Easter food. Their tradition is to bring a basket of food to church to be blessed. This is then shared on Easter Sunday with the family.
The basket consists of what they would call the basics of their meals: Butter, meat, bread, boiled eggs that are decorated by the kids, and the horseradish and salt and pepper also hold significance specific to Easter similarly to the Jewish tradition.
The Polish traditionally have a very large Easter breakfast after early morning mass always with a prayer included for those who are no longer with us. Among Polish kielbasa, boiled eggs, a variety of cold meats, molded butter made into sheep figurines, and radishes, auntie made a wonderful piece of beef infused with garlic and baked for a few hours. We were all so full though from breakfast that we weren't hungry for it by the time lunch came around!
We also made a salad of cubed potato, carrot, parsley root (it actually exists, just not at home--I had no idea what she was talking about), pickles, apples, boiled eggs, mayo, and green parsley. It was different but also really good. I also helped her make a
huge cheesecake made with two kilos of cheese, powdered sugar, and raisins. Also good... Aga loves it and could eat it all day everyday. Unfortunately our weight rose a little this weekend--no surprise right? Between all the food (there were alot of little meals) I am back to the ab workouts and eating less this week! On Sunday I made Baked Duck and Apples for the first time--another authentic Polish dish. We had everyone together for lunch including the priest and they all commented how good it was. I have Aga to thank for emailing me the recipe. Cabbage and a special soup with boiled egg and kielbasa called 'Zurek' was also served.
Zurek soup |
I decorated eggs with the kids and had fun making them pretty colors with their paints. They claim mine with the yellow chick and flowers was the best.
Speaking of kids....we have friends of the family spending the mornings/afternoons with us from Switzerland. So not only am I having to cook lunch and snacks for (my) three kids, but four more have been added to that--all boys. It's a bit crazy around here! Fortunately I feel after this week that after feeding 7 kids I can take on the world.... well maybe not quite, but still.
Next week is also just as busy with the kids, and my beloved is coming to visit me again for a few days. PLUS! (As if things couldn't get any more
dramatic) We are getting a new puppy as of next Friday. Oh wow is right.
Until next time!