
09 October 2010

Beauty in Christ

I am often reminded of how good life is to me. Sometimes more than others. The other day, I had a very nice customer (also a minister) come over to me and show just how awesome God is to me. Perhaps what made this so special was knowing that I am doing what I hope is my fulfillment or purpose. Sometimes hoping or assuming is not enough. He told me that he could see the glow of Christ in me and that God had shown him that I would do well and go far in life. The human in me asked 'can you trust this man'? However, the child of God in me felt that this was God's way of telling me that I am never alone and that He sees beautiful things in me. Something that I hope shows in leaps and bounds.

 "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25

Now more than ever I think about the person I want to be. It's not enough to be a so-called 'sweet' girl. No, rather I want to be the girl that everyone can feel that happiness abounds from. I want them to feel that there is hope and love in the ordinary and to see the beautiful in things. I want to be a shining light, a sense of feeling safe and grounded in something. That is how I feel with God and to know that He holds me in the palm of His hand, molding me into the woman I choose to be for Him, is in itself - priceless. One of my favorite verses comes from Proverbs 31. This chapter captures the very essence of the woman I want to be, not only for my future husband, but also for all those I come into contact with in life. I want all who see me to see Christ in me. How can I show that, and will they know? I truly hope so.

In essence, I strive to smile at the future just as this sweet man told me. He let it be known to me that I had made his day. Little me. Before he left, he asked to pray for me and all I could do was smile and feel joy wash over me. Maybe what he doesn't know is that he also made mine. There is so much beauty in Christ and to know Him is to see him. I have so much to be grateful for.

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