
21 October 2012

Sunday Morning Dapper

Morning darlings. Wish you could see the fog rising--it's been very thick all day and hasn't burned off. Apparently it's so foggy here the airport has cancelled all flights! I only say this because A has a business trip in Munich tomorrow and is wondering how to get there. It has, however, made for some very nice drives through the country on my way to town. Sort of eerie looking, but all the more intriguing. I am excited about the pictures it will make tomorrow on our day out at the palace in Rogalin. Here's to spooky gardens and maybe something hot to drink!

I admit I have been very lax in my writing. Perhaps this is from my lack of enthusiasm lately for it. I seem to have needed a break from it--not for any reason in particular mind you--I simply have just had a week of struggling to find joy in things. Granted some days or weeks are harder than others, and especially during these times I am reminded that they are tests in order to build me up. Consequently, about the time I am halfway or almost through with a project I get tired of it and seemingly wish not to finish it. Unfortunately this project must be finished! (And no, it's not really unfortunate. I have been very lucky.) But I do wish time would hurry--and I say that with a smile on my face. :) I have a lot of good things happening and future things as well--2 months until the end of this adventure and it will be quick to show it's face.

A U G  2 0 1 2
Just two girls and a dog... somewhere.
Add a crown of flowers and you have a blissful day in the mountains. 

Today, the youngest was ill and not fit to leave the house, so I stayed with him instead of going to church. It was actually nice to just stay home in the quiet and read. I sometimes forget what the quiet sounds like haha... those darn kids. Just kidding. I just hope they don't give me their sicknesses, so I am storing up on Vit. C and lots and lots of tea. (As if I need an excuse to drink more tea--HA!)

One weekend afternoon we had the opportunity to find some pretty amazing looking mushrooms in our yard. I am told Poland is a gathering nation, where they pick and scrummage from the forest and fields berries and the like. You should have seen the last few weeks of August and into October. The country roads were lined with cars and people with baskets, going deep into the woods to hunt for mushrooms. It was quite amusing--but these mushrooms were divine and definitely the biggest I had ever seen. See?

It's the season of pumpkin! I don't know what it is about the heaps of cinnamon, apples, pumpkin, and cranberries that get me pumped for fall baking--but it does. I love the smells, I love the smiles they bring on peoples faces. We're still digging last year's pumpkin out of the freezer but I have had so much fun making soup, cakes, doughnuts (yes doughnuts), accompanied by apple cakes and pies. Maybe someday I will open up a bakery or cafe. In my dreams, right?

This upcoming weekend is going to be a nice little holiday in London with the two youngest and their mother. Plus BONUS, yours truly gets to see her husband and in-laws. Yay! :))
Let's hope the fog clears by Friday so we can leave the airport!

Here's to a contemplative Sunday. What are you up to this fall?